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Notes Cashier Management System 


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Notes Cashier Management System


Notes Management System, mainly provides cashier staff for receiving customer checks, paying vendors checks, and detailed recording of each check status. Through the account management to provide financial forecast and bank reconciliation operations for the financial sector of capital allocation and basis of using funds.
※Set Operations
1. Customer Dealing Bank Setup   
2. Corporation Bank Account Setup
3. Cash Account Setup
4. Pay Check Default Account Setup
5. Cash Default Account Setup
6. Received Notes Default Account Setup
7. Received Cash Default Account Setup         
8. Revenue and Expenditure Forecast Projects Setup 
9. Company Draw Up Check Number Setup.
10. Notes Number of Decimal Places Setup
11. Notes Management System Lockout Protection Setup

※Notes Operation
1. Cash Transfer is used for fund transfer operations between the company's bank accounts, and is used for different currency bank account fund conversion, detailed recording fund transfer exchange rates and bank charges. The system will automatically calculate conversion exchange loss or gain and transfer of the cash accounting summons.       
2. Bank Balance Reconciliation provides various currency accounts fund balance reconciliation.
3. Prediction Funds is used to estimate revenue and expense not occurred in the period, it is the source of estimated fund table.
4. Receivables Check Operation is used for login operation when the cashiers receive checks, it can enter multiple checks in one list. The advance convertible date at notes is the source of funds available forecasting.
5. Note Receivable Changed records the status of check after it is received, for example: checks received → collection → to cash; if check condition is collection, the system will automatically provide exchange rate note bank operation table of the bank account, if the check condition is to cash, the system will automatically generates a prepaid to cash summons and increase the amount of bank accounts. It has multiple notes sequence presented modules: by check status, by check changed date, by check write date, by advance convertible date, by maturity date . . . and so on.
6. Payables Check Operation is used for login operation when the cashiers write checks, it can enter multiple checks in one list. The advance convertible date at notes is the source of funds available forecasting. System with a computer checks printing function reduces red tape billing operations and avoids mistakes of check content; It simultaneously provides note to sign receipt for vouchers to sign when payments.
7. Notes Payable Changed records the status of check after it is paid, for example: checks paid → to cash; if the check condition is to cash, the system will automatically generates to pay to cash summons and decrease the amount of bank accounts.
8. Payables Check Canceling is used to cancel wrong checks.

※ Inquiry Operation
1. Cash Transfer Books Query
2. Bank Balance Reconciliation Books Query
3. Prediction Funds Books Query
4. Receivables Check Operation Books Query
5. Note Receivable Changed Books Query
6. Payables Check Operation Books Query
7. Notes Payable Changed Books Query
8. Payables Check Canceling Books Query
9. Each document and book can adjust the order of columns check by the user, can be saved as Excel file; Also provides a diversified multi-field angle of inquiries and order, which is flexible and convenient.


※Feature of Module
1. The balance of payments real-time, money and accounts separate. Achieves cashier does not manage, no matter the management money in checks controls from the inside the best management mechanism.
2. Separate account control, account settings, and accounting subjects independent, set up all the banks and the cashier will use the cash accounts and currency, and commonly designated ticket collection and payment account.
3. Completely independent of cashier operations, funds transfer and admission tickets, pay votes . . . and all other teller operations. After the system is set up, it can be used by non-accounting-based personnel to operate, fully control the amount of each account transactions, all accounting practices will not affect the account balance.
4. Teller operations are automatically switched to the summons, saving manpower accounting.
5. After ticket collector operation is completed, the system will automatically list of output paper collection according to accounts.
6. Coordinates any bank to achieve the check overprint and the bill receives and signs.
7. Easily manage the transfer of cash balances of all accounts, cash transfer between different currency accounts can charge exchange fees according with export or the import side, and make the exchange rate conversion. 
8. Notes bulk cash collection, according to cash date, transaction date, object filtering, and quick completion of a large number of transaction processing.
9.  Set up estimated income and expenditure projects of funds. Estimate project includes salaries, insurance, lending qualified borrowings and other income and expenditures.
10. With unknown sources of remittance receipts, the accounts receivables can be a first to confirm the source and then to write-off.
11. Estimated fund table estimates all accounts and each account according with account balances, bill accounts, financial forecast projects of future fund procurement for the finance staff had a clear allocation of available funds.






6F., No. 136, Sec.2, Keelung Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan

No. 129, Xinyi Rd., Shanhua Town, Tainan County 741, Taiwan

Room2605,NO.456,LuJiaBang RD.,Huangpu District,ShangHai,China
